"Low energies; September 2008 - July 2009"
"These adversities may come from a number of sources. First of all, other people, particularly employers and other persons in authority, may oppose your plans in several areas.
[...] You may feel physically tired, as if the burdens of your life are too much for you.
Your ambitions may also be thwarted by circumstances or by other people. Even though you and your associates have the best intentions for your future, something seems to block you."
Jag hoppas att helvetet öppnar sin järnhand och låter mig gå snart.
"Mid October 2008 until beginning of August 2009: At this time you will reach a new understanding of your own being and the world around you. In recent years you have probably been through periods of great doubt, uncertainty and confusion. Although those periods were painful they have contributed to your new view of the world."
I indeed have...
Känner inte för att göra nånting idag... Hade tänkt att jag skulle bara läsa böcker och vara idag, men så fick vi besök och jag var tvungen att vara social, så nu har halva dagen gått och jag har inte gjort nånting av det jag velat och har inte haft nån lugn och ro >_< Ska nog kolla efter lite böcker och grejer... Vill ha mer å läsa. Dessutom ligger jag efter med SS.
Ha de
"These adversities may come from a number of sources. First of all, other people, particularly employers and other persons in authority, may oppose your plans in several areas.
[...] You may feel physically tired, as if the burdens of your life are too much for you.
Your ambitions may also be thwarted by circumstances or by other people. Even though you and your associates have the best intentions for your future, something seems to block you."
Jag hoppas att helvetet öppnar sin järnhand och låter mig gå snart.
"Mid October 2008 until beginning of August 2009: At this time you will reach a new understanding of your own being and the world around you. In recent years you have probably been through periods of great doubt, uncertainty and confusion. Although those periods were painful they have contributed to your new view of the world."
I indeed have...
Känner inte för att göra nånting idag... Hade tänkt att jag skulle bara läsa böcker och vara idag, men så fick vi besök och jag var tvungen att vara social, så nu har halva dagen gått och jag har inte gjort nånting av det jag velat och har inte haft nån lugn och ro >_< Ska nog kolla efter lite böcker och grejer... Vill ha mer å läsa. Dessutom ligger jag efter med SS.
Ha de